Team > Julia Plaß, M.Sc.

Faculty of Biology, Chemistry & Earth Sciences
Chair of Cultural Geography
Scientific Career
- 2022 - 2023:
University Associate, School of Geography, Planning and Spatial Sciences, University of Tasmania, Australia - 2021 - 2022:
Visiting Scientist at the Munich Climate Insurance Initiative hosted at the United Nations University - Institute for Environment and Human Security, Bonn, Germany - Since December 2019:
Research Assistant and PhD Student, Chair of Cultural Geography, Prof. Dr. Matthew G. Hannah, University Bayreuth - 2017 - 2018:
Internship at the Pan African Cooperation and Educational Technologies (PACET) Programme, United Nations University - Institute for Environment and Human Security, Bonn, Germany - 2016 - 2019:
Master (M.Sc.) in Human-Climate-Paleoenvironment at the Justus-Liebig-University Giessen, Germany
Topic of the master thesis: "The role of climate change in the Namibian school curriculum with special focus to selected indigenous groups"
Minors: environmental management, political science, and nutritional sciences - 2016:
Internship at MOLTENO – Institute for Language and Literacy, Johannesburg, South Africa - 2013 - 2016:
Bachelor (B.Sc.) in Geography at the Justus-Liebig-University Giessen, Germany
Topic of the bachelor thesis: „Peacekeeping impact of the UN Blue Helmet troops in Central Africa
Minor Subjects: political science and sociology

Faculty of Biology, Chemistry & Earth Sciences
Chair of Cultural Geography
Research Interests
- Disaster Risk Financing, Climate Risk Insurances
- Human-Environment Relations (Climate Change Adaption)
- Traditional Knowledge Systems
- Mixed-Methods Approaches
Regional Interests
- Oceania
- Sub-Saharan Africa
Summer 2022:
- Seminar: Global Structures – Risk, Media and Science Communication (Globale Strukturen – Risiko, Medien und Wissenschaftskommunikation) (together with V. Eckstein)
- Field Trip: Sustainability in Nürnberg
Winter 2020/2021:
- Seminar: Geographies of Risk
- Field Trip: The Local Culture and Economy of Beer and Brewing
Summer 2021:
- Colloquium: Society-Environment Relations (together with O. Sass and C. Schemann)
- Seminar: Urban and Regional Development (together with M. Gebauer)
- Seminar: Global Structures (together with V. Eckstein)
Winter 2020/2021:
- Seminar: Scientific Writing
- Field Trip: Sustainability and Food Transition in Upper Franconia
Summer 2020:
- Seminar: Urban and Regional Development
- Field Trip: Regional Governance
Winter 2019/2020:
- Seminar: Urban Geography

Faculty of Biology, Chemistry & Earth Sciences
Chair of Cultural Geography
Zinn, Jens O.; Plaß, Julia
How extreme weather and costs of housing and insurance trap some households in a vicious cycle
in The Conversation
18. Oktober 2024 ...
Plaß, Julia; Zinn, Jens O.
Shifting risks back to the state? Flood insurance and responsibility in the face of climate cha ...
in International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction volume 113 (2024)
doi:10.1016/j.ijdrr.2024.104874 ...
Plaß, Julia
Exposed and Vulnerable : Causes of Residential Immobility in Australia
AAG Annual Meeting 2024, Honolulu, Hawaii
Plaß, Julia
(Im)mobility, shifting responsibilities and insurance : Effects of extreme weather events in Au ...
Geographisches Kolloquium Universität Bayreuth,
Plaß, Julia
Verantwortung und die Zukunft von Versicherungen im Zeichen des Klimawandels : Das Beispiel Aus ...
Forschung für einen verbesserten Umgang mit Extremereignissen: Von der Wetter- zur Impact-Warnung, Frankfurt am Main
Plaß, Julia
Why (im)mobility matters in planned relocation and what does this have to do with insurance
Environmental and Climate Mobilities Network – Towards a transdisciplinary understanding of migration and im/mobilities in the context of environmental and climate change, Wien
Denno Cissé, Jennifer; Plaß, Julia; Schütze, Simon
5 Facts on disaster risk and the SDGs
30. Juni 2022 ...
Plaß, Julia; Phillips, Jennifer; Denno Cissé, Jennifer
Fidschi - wie parametrische Versicherungen Resilienz stärken
in Geographische Rundschau volume 74 (2022) issue 12. - page 34-37

Faculty of Biology, Chemistry & Earth Sciences
Chair of Cultural Geography
Julia Plaß, M.Sc.
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
Raum: 147, GEO II
Phone: +49 (0)921 / 55-2288